Lease, detached garage, 19 m2, Komárno 85.00 EUR/month suggest a price

Detached garage, Lease, Komárno

Garáž for rent, Sídlisko V, Komárno

We offer for rent a garage in Komárno, near Slnečná street, exclusively on behalf of the owner. A garage with an area of ??19 m2 is an excellent choice for nearby houses that do not have a garage, but also for people who want to have their car or other things for storage hidden near a busy road near family houses, which increases its safety.
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information on the phone number +421 905 795 565 and help you with comprehensive advice and legal services.Spätná väzba

  • Price 85.00 EUR/month suggest a price
  • Submitted 3/19/2025
  • Offer no. AR-02G7-127651 (34949)
  • Electric connection On the lot
  • State Original state
  • Form of ownership Private


Jaroslav Polách
Jaroslav Polách Phone: +421905795565 E-mail:

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Alpia, s.r.o A.Kmeťa 24 03601 Martin Phone: +421915445670 E-mail: Web:
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